Europe: what needs to be done?It's not just the US presidential election that is prompting Europe to spring into action. On the international stage, everything demands a response, a strategy and concrete measures. The European Union, as the world's second or third largest power, has the means to do so. It has two...
How can we preserve peace, which is now under threat?What has just happened in Moldova and Georgia, on the occasion of the presidential election in one case and a legislative ballot in the other, should alarm us.
Added to the proven interference in Europe and the United States and, of course, the illegitimate war in Ukraine, these are Russian...
No successful transitions without moderationIn the space of a few weeks, the European authorities have been forced to roll back environmental standards that had been democratically adopted with the agreement of the Member States: compulsory set-aside for farmers, a ban on imports of products ‘derived from deforestation’, and...
European governance in difficultyThe composition of the new European Commission is difficult and painful. Its President intends to direct alone an institution that wishes to extend its competences to geostrategy, i.e. also foreign and defence policy. This is not without its problems. The Member States are reluctant, and there is...