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Successful transitions: Encouraging and innovating before prohibiting
[This editorial is also available in Ukrainian.] Keen to respond to the environmental challenge, but carried away by their zealous enthusiasm, their wish to be in tune with public opinion and their claim to be ahead of the rest of the planet, European leaders have been busy regulating, legislating...
2024: A strategic Europe at last?
[This editorial is also available in Ukrainian.] So, what will it take for Europe's leaders to wake up at the dawn of a year that could well seal the continent's fate for a long time to come? Their measured support for Ukraine shows that they have not grasped the full extent of the war that Putin...
When Ukraine turns to the West
[This editorial is also available in Ukrainian.] By deciding to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, the European Heads of State and Government have made much more than a strong diplomatic gesture. In accordance with the will of the peoples of these countries, they have set in...
Ukraine, Europe’s responsibility
[This editorial is also available in Ukrainian.] Once again, Europe's leaders, meeting in Council on 14 and 15 December, face decisions of historic importance. Europe is expected to keep the flag of human rights flying high. On 10 December we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Universal...